The Lord’s Day (Sunday) Worship Service

Times of prayer, singing of both traditional and contemporary songs that speak of Christ and Biblical truth, sharing in the Lord’s Supper, participating in the grace of giving, and preaching from Holy Scripture are all parts of our Sunday worship service. Worshipers sometimes witness the baptism of new believers during the Sunday service. Children are always welcome at FCC. During the Worship service there is a staffed nursery for infants 24 months and younger. Sonshine Alley Children’s Church is available for ages 2 years through 5th grade the first three Sundays of each month.  (During the 9:00 a.m. Bible Fellowship Groups hour, there are also age-appropriate classes for all children.)

Decision & Prayer Hymn

The decision hymn following the morning’s message is an opportunity for those who have decided to place their faith in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation to come forward and confess their believing trust in Him before the congregation and with a repentant heart be baptized (immersed). Baptism is a part of a person’s decision to commit his or her life to Christ. (Of course, if you would like to speak with the preaching minister or one of the other shepherd-elders in private to have your questions about the Gospel answered, we’ll gladly accommodate. Sometimes people make the decision to follow Jesus during the week, therefore baptisms do not have to take place during the Sunday morning worship service.)

This is also a time for worshipers to come forward to have one or more of the elders and/or the preaching minister to quietly pray with them regarding burdens they may be carrying.

Communion (The Lord's Supper)

Each Sunday we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to pay for our sins. We do this by taking the Lord’s Supper. In the Bible, believers who had been baptized into Jesus Christ participated in this practice. If you have such a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we welcome you to participate in this remembrance.



9:00 amSunday School & Adult Bible Fellowship

10:00 amSunday Worship Service and Children’s Church

6:30 pmSunday Night Prayer Meeting & Lord’s Supper


Preaching Minister’s Day of Rest


6:30 pmMen’s Women’s and Youth Groups