How to Pray for One Hour

To experience one hour in prayer with your Father in heaven, give five minutes to each of the following 12 categories. (Option: You might find writing your prayer as you follow the outline.)

1. PRAISE: Start by praising the Lord. Praise Him for His attributes/characteristics that are on your mind now. Praise Him for one special thing He has done for your life/family this week. Psalm 34:1

2. WAIT: Spend this time waiting on the Lord. Let Him pull together reflections for you. Think about the hour before you and the things you want the Lord to do in your life according to His will. Psalm 27:14

3. CONFESS: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything in your life which might be displeasing to Him. Ask him to point out wrong attitudes, as well as specific words/acts for which you have not yet made a prayer of confession. Now confess that to the Lord and claim 1 John 1:9 so that you might be cleansed for the remainder of the hour. Psalm 51:1-19

4. READ THE WORD: Spend time reading promises of God in the Psalms, the Old Testament prophets, and New Testament prayer passages. Use your concordance if necessary. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

5. PETITION: This is asking God to do something for you and/or others. Hebrew 4:16; Philippians 4:6

6. INTERCEDE: Specific prayer on behalf of others, especially when at their request. Romans 15:30-33

7. PRAY THE WORD: With your Bible open or from memory, pray the Scriptures. Certain sections of Psalm 119, as well as other passages, lend themselves beautifully to personal expressions of prayer to your heavenly Father.

8. MEDITATE: In pursuit of knowing God better and living a life of allegiance to Him, ponder what you have read from the Word of God during this hour. Reflect on His Person and faithfulness. Write down the impressions He makes on your life and any acts of immediate obedience He desires from you. Psalm 63; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-2; 119:97

9. GIVE THANKS: Spend these minutes giving thanks to the Lord for things on behalf of the church, your family and your life. Thank Him for making your primary identity as one of His children, loved and accepted. Philippians 4:6

10. SING: Using a hymnal, songbook or your memory, sing a song of praise, prayer, thanksgiving, soul winning, etc. If you find a song with meaningful words but you cannot read music, simply read the words aloud to God. Psalm 59:17

11. LISTEN: Spend time merging the things you have read from the Word, your prayers of petition, intercession, praise and thanksgiving, songs sung/read and see how the Lord brings them together to reveal more of Himself to you, to transform your mind, and/or call you to loving obedience to His will. 1 Samuel 3:9-10

12. END WITH PRAISE: Praise the Lord for the time you had to spend with Him. Praise Him for what He has reminded or revealed about Himself to you. Praise Him from the joy of knowing Him. Psalm 145:1-13