OFCC Minister’s Job Description

About Owensville First Christian Church:

Owensville First Christian Church is an independent Christian Church within the Restoration Movement. We are located in Southwest Indiana. Who we are and our core beliefs may be found on this website at fccowensville.com. The vision of OFCC is to be a multiplying family of love-motivated, baptized followers of Jesus learning to daily practice eternal living in His kingdom for God’s glory.

Preaching Minister/Pastor Requirements:

A man who:

  • Possesses biblical character traits of a shepherd as provided in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5.

  • Is from the independent, Christian church/church of Christ (instrumental), stream of the Restoration Movement.

  • Preferably, has 2-3 years minimum experience leading as a preaching minister/pastor or associate minister/pastor.

  • Preferably, holds a minimum of bachelor’s degree in Bible (and/Biblical Theology) from an accredited Bible college associated with the Restoration Movement. Also, possesses a minor or specialty in preaching and/or church ministries.

  • Is committed to the making of disciples who are confident carriers of the Gospel.

  • Holds to the Biblical standard of marriage, which is the union of one man (birth gender) with one woman (birth gender).

  • Possesses strong listening, speaking, and writing skills.

  • Is willing to submit to a background check.

    Ministry Description

  • Prepare and preach Sunday morning sermons.

  • Teach adult Bible classes that promote spiritual transformation and discipleship.

  • As part of discipleship and developing confident carriers of the gospel, model for fellow church leaders and congregants ways to share one’s faith with the lost and marginal Christians.

  • Serve as a shepherd among shepherds to mentor and facilitate servant-leadership development.

  • Be committed to practicing and emphasizing the importance of individual, small group, and corporate prayer.

  • Be willing to co-lead youth group, as needed.

  • Eagerly practice/model hospitality in the home, church building, and office.

  • As needed, provide individual congregants with biblical guidance and, if qualified, counseling.

  • Assist the elders in providing pastoral care through home, hospital, and nursing home visits.

  • Officiate weddings (only between a man and a woman according to their gender at birth) and funerals.

  • Assist in developing strategic planning and goal-setting initiatives.

  • Regularly practice spiritual disciplines to be in “a place” for the Holy Spirit to enable spiritual formation and ministry from “overflow.”

  • Practice self-care (adequate rest, exercise, healthy eating, time with family and friends, receive spiritual direction and, if needed, counseling.)

Please send resume to fccowensville@frontier.com. Write in the subject line: Preaching Minister Position. Include in the resume three references of people familiar with your character and ministry experience and abilities. Include links toat least two online audio or video recordings of recent sermons. Also, attach a separate document, which provides, under “normal” circumstances, how you would present the Gospel to a non-Christian. After the presentation, include how you would instruct the individual to receive Jesus if he/she desired to become a child of God and follow Jesus. Attach another document describing your story of coming to faith in Christ and what your walk has been like since. Compensation package: $50,000-70,000 commensurate with education and experience.